FSU PTSB Pay Negotiations



28th September'Your Pay Your Say' online staff survey opens.
18th October

'Your Pay Your Say' online staff survey closes.

FSU members can view the results of the survey in the members' section: https://www.fsunion.org/my/employment/ptsb-pay-survey-results-2024/

If you are not a member and want to learn more about the pay campaign, you can sign up for updates here:


What you can do to help us with the negotiations?

Follow us on our social media accounts to help spread the pay messages.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/fsuireland  
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fsuireland
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/fsuireland
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fsuireland 

Follow us, like our posts, repost them, comment on them. See individual posts below.

Encourrage your colleauges to join FSU.

Join online here: https://www.fsunion.org/fsu/join/

To download a hard copy of the join form, click here: https://www.fsunion.org/assets/files/pdf/roi_application_2022.pdf 

If you recruit new members you will receive €50 in ROI and £45 in UK for each new member you recruit.

*Be sure to tell colleauges to name you when completing the online of printed join form.

PTSB Sector Committee of the Financial Services Union Contact Information

Stephen FoxBranch banking (Connacht, Munster, and Ulster)stephen.fox@fsunion.org
Lisa KennedyBranch banking (Leinster) Mon-Wedlisa.kennedy@fsunion.org
Sharon BradyDepartmentssharon.brady@fsunion.org
Aisling GriffinDepartmentsaisling.griffin@fsunion.org