Important Update and Progress - Kyndryl

03 September 2024


Important Update and Progress


As you will be aware this week we met Kyndryl management to discuss a number of items and try to find acceptable solutions. I can now provide you with the following update on some of these matters, others continue to be discussed.


Redundancy Terms


Kyndryl have confirmed and committed to the BOI redundancy terms as existed for those who transferred from BOI originally and transferred in the recent TUPE.


Documentation from the TUPE transfer of non-BOI members re. redundancy terms was also shared and discussed and Kyndryl have stated their position is the terms as transferred from IBM which states:


“There is no defined policy in place, however, past practice is five weeks pay per year of service to a maximum of 24 months salary this may be subject to change based on business circumstances.”


However, the company have committed to growth and don’t envisage redundancies currently.  Kyndryl is committed to growing its business and retraining staff where required. If redundancies happen we expect the above terms to apply.




Kyndryl has acknowledged and accepted the existing agreement on compensation for loss of earnings from changed to on-call rotas. It is believed this affects 25 staff who has seen a reduction. Kyndryl is now working up a proposal to recognise this and the rate of compensation to be agreed and has to be signed off internally.


Project Eucalyptus


Staff affected by the loss of part of the BOI contract will shortly be offered their BOI redundancy terms while currently being in the redeployment bench process to find a new role. Kyndryl will confirm timings on this soon.


POD structure


For those staff affected by the POD restructure. Suitable role(s) are being considered meaning there are no redundancies currently planned as part of this change. There will however be a reporting line change for some staff. Management will engage directly with staff again to clarify any questions or concerns on this matter.


Bench – Redeployment Process


The ‘bench’ process is essentially Kyndryl’s redeployment process. It is part of Kyndryl’s commitment to try to maintain jobs and avoid redundancy situations. While that is not always possible Kyndryl uses it to give people an opportunity and time to train and reskill and see what roles might become available. There is no specific timeframe on this. If unsuccessful then redundancies may occur.


Bratislava Work


Kyndryl have committed to investigate the workload increase as a result of the closure of the Bratislava support team and will follow up on this shortly.


Discussions also took place on banding review processes. We also discussed the lack of Ireland specific HR support and other matters which will continue.


Progress has been made and both sides are desiring of solutions. However, please do vote and return the ballot paper as these talks progress.


Some further work is being done in the background by both sides and another meeting is being arranged for three weeks time.


Gareth Murphy

Head of Industrial Relations and Campaigns