ICE Pay Review 2024 - Members' Meeting - ICE

13 September 2024


Yesterday your Union met with ICE management to discuss pay on your behalf. We presented our claim, which was based on the feedback you provided in the recent pay survey. The company, for their part, reiterated the challenges they are facing, including their precarious position ahead of the upcoming tender process and a decline in sales over the past year.


After thorough discussions, we reached an agreement that we believe is fair, given the circumstances. We will be conducting an electronic ballot to gather your decision on the proposals.


The members’ ballot will open on Tuesday, 17 September and will close on Friday 20 September 2024. You will receive an email with information on how to vote via our balloting partners Mi-Voice.


Proposal for ballot

  • 3% pay rise increase for the period 1 October 2024 – 30 September 2025


You are invited to attend an online FSU members’ meeting to discuss the proposed terms.


The meeting will take place on Monday 16 September at 11.30am.  See link below to join the meeting.



Microsoft Teams 

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 356 859 388 607

Passcode: 6Xo9fo



I look forward to seeing you then.


James Callaghan

Member Advisor