FSU seeks protections for KBC Pensions at Labour Court.

02 February 2022

KBC refusal to attend the Labour Court shows their complete disregard for the industrial relations mechanisms of the State

A hearing between the Financial Services Union and KBC, Ireland took place today in the Labour Court in the absence of any representative from KBC.

THE FSU has pursued a case to the Labour Court seeking best protections for the pensions of current KBC staff and former staff.

Following KBC’s refusal to engage directly with the FSU the union submitted a section 20(1) claim to the Labour Court under the 1969 Industrial Relations Act for the Court to hear their claim.

The Union has asked the Court to recommend that KBC Group take on responsibility for the scheme to better protect active, deferred and pensioner members.

Commenting on the issue Gareth Murphy, Head of Industrial Relations and Campaigns, said:

“The failure of KBC to attend today’s hearing is outrageous and shows their contempt for the industrial relations mechanisms of the State.

Staff in KBC have genuine concerns about the future security of their pension that the Bank need to address.

The planned withdrawal of KBC from the Irish Banking market has raised several issues which we discussed in the Labour Court today.

We expect KBC to respect and adhere to any recommendation that may come from today’s hearing”
