Financial Services Union and AIB launch Menstrual health handbook

05 March 2025

Important initiative that will help stop the stigma – says FSU

The Financial Services Union and AIB have today launch a menstrual health handbook for staff which they say will help dispel the stigma associated with periods and bring menstrual health into the mainstream of work-related issues.

The handbook is a joint initiative between the union and the bank and is a response to an issue that is rarely talked about in the workplace.

The handbook includes emphasis on :

  • Educating people leaders.
  • Dispelling stigma associated with periods.
  • Access to frequent breaks.
  • Environmental supports.
  • Adjustments to work patterns, duties or environment
  • Flexibility working from home where possible.

Commenting Mandy La Combre, Senior Industrial Relations Officer with the FSU said:

“The FSU welcome the publication of the menstrual health handbook and the collaborative approach adopted by AIB is drafting the document.

Menstrual health is a workplace issue that has been for the most part ignored by employers.

Due to societal stigma it can be seen as an uncomfortable issue for some people to talk about, but it is a real workplace issue that women deal with in silence.

The handbook includes many important initiatives including paid sick leave for severe period related symptoms and a commitment from the bank that period related absence will not trigger any attendance review process. But most importantly it offers understanding to employees who may suffer debilitating conditions related to menstrual health, opens the door to conversations, and allows for both practical supports and environmental supports for workers who need it.

This document is a step in the right direction and should be viewed by all employers as an indication of what real inclusivity for 50% of the workforce looks like. We need to stop the stigma associated with menstrual  health, educate people to the associated health effects, and provide workplace supports where necessary.

Clare Moore, Equality Officer, Irish Congress of Trade Unions:

“With more women participating in the workforce, having workable menopause & menstrual policies that protect women has never been more urgent. There is a huge need for education and awareness training for all staff in our workplaces, and across society. The silence around women’s health issues is damaging, and it impacts equality in society and at work.

The #StopTheStigma campaign is a cross sectoral trade union campaign advocating for menstrual health support and policies across all workplaces. ICTU warmly welcomes the publication of this new Handbook and congratulates FSU and AIB on prioritising this important work. “