FSU Governance Principles
The rules of the FSU specify the power and authority of the Council as well as outlining key governance and leadership structures and arrangements.
In addition to the rules there are also an agreed set of governance principles which have been approved by the Council which underpin the governance culture and leadership ethos within the Union.
The principles and the practices recommended to implement the principles are as follows:
Principle 1. Leading our organisation
We do this by: Pursuing our stated aims, values and priorities and making sure that they remain relevant for members; Developing, resourcing, monitoring and evaluating plans, programmes and initiatives so that we achieve our stated purpose and objectives; building capacity and capability within the governance and leadership team; Managing, supporting and holding to account all who act on behalf of the Union: setting the right tone and culture and ensuring the culture is aligned with aims and strategies, promoting the long-term sustainable success of the union; ensuring a clear division of responsibilities between the leadership of the Council and the leadership of the general secretary and management.
Principle 2. Exercising control over our organisation
We do this by: Identifying and complying with all relevant legal, regulatory and governance requirements; Making sure there are appropriate internal, financial and management controls in place and oversee their operation; Identifying major risks ( threats and opportunities) for our organisation and deciding ways of addressing the threats and exploiting the opportunities in order to achieve its long-term strategic objectives.
Principle 3. Being transparent and accountable
We do this by: ensuring we prioritise members interests and where appropriate the interests of other stakeholders and making sure there is regular and effective communication with members and other about our organisation; Responding to questions or views about the work of our organisation and how we run it; Encouraging and enabling the engagement of those who benefit from our organisation in the planning and decision-making of the organisation.
Principle 4. Working effectively
We do this by: Making sure that our Council, individual Council members, committees, management and staff understand their: role, legal duties, and delegated responsibility for decision-making; Making sure that as a Council we exercise our collective responsibility through Council meetings that are efficient and effective; Making sure that there is suitable Council succession planning arrangements in place for recruitment, development, retention and retirement processes.
Principle 5. Behaving with integrity
We do this by: Being honest, fair and independent; Understanding, declaring and managing conflicts of interest and conflicts of loyalties; Protecting and promoting our organisation’s reputation and adhering to the code of conduct. All members acting with integrity, leading by example and promoting the desired culture.